THE WRITERS’ ROOM - What’s the best writing advice that you have ever received.

In the Writers’ Room this week, Pete and Laura chat about the source of the best writing advice they have received. (So far.)

‘Hi Laura and Pete, with so many resources in books, and online in videos, podcasts and courses, say nothing of any formal education or study, the question I have is this, “What is the best writing advice you have ever received?’

Surprised, they both discover that the best advice they received is very similar. While Laura offers some simple and practical advice she has received, and more profound with insights from Anne Lamott - in Bird by Bird: Some Instructions on Writing and Life.

OUR CURRENT PROJECT UPDATES - What writing projects are we working & what’s happened this week?

Laura is busy editing the Wedding Planning Book and preparing for the Novel Writing Course. Pete not only jumps the category but the episode! 

LESSONS WE’VE LEARNED THIS WEEK - What have we learned about writing & publishing this week?

Beginnings and endings are great places to write from, Pete learns from Natalie Goldberg - Thunder and Lightning: Cracking Open The Writer’s Craft. Laura considers the importance of the writer’s voice.

Recommended Product of the Week - Vellum 

To format her book - Everyday Storytellers: A step-by-step guide to writing about your travels, adventures & life - Laura used Vellum. This is a software program that creates beautiful books from your manuscript. It then allows you to upload them, ready for sale. Once you have created your ebook in Vellum- it’s ready for print. Page numbers. Margins. Headers. Font. Line spacing. By using this link you can buy a tool to publish your books, but it helps support the work of Derbyshire Writing School. Thanks!

BOOKS WE ARE READING AND RECOMMEND - What books are we reading this week?

Monitoring the fiction and non-fiction charts, Laura bags a copy of an unread copy of Quite by Claudia Winkleman from the library. Pete finds a copy of the screenplay of the film - As Good As It Gets after watching it again during the holidays. 

WHAT’S HAPPENING AT DERBYSHIRE WRITING SCHOOL THIS WEEK? - How are we building the business this week?

New partnerships in process and surprise guests and episodes on the podcast.

PERSONAL UPDATES - What’s going on in our lives?

Both Pete and Laura are reflective at the end of 2020. So are most people they imagine, but remind each other that life is not a race, neither is writing nor Derbyshire Writing School, they are playing the long game in them all.