Episode 7 - How Do I Read Like A Writer?

Stop Press! Pete gets very excited receiving his first fan mail, even more so when it is a book he once had, but disappeared not long after Laura once visited! Thanks to Sheri, Pete has his own copy of - ‘The Artist’s Way.’

THE WRITERS’ ROOM - What’s the biggest problem you are experiencing with writing this week?
In the Writers’ Room this week, Pete and Laura chat about how reading as a writer changes when you want to understand more about the craft of writing. 

‘Hi Laura and Pete, the question I have is this, ‘How do I read as a writer?’ I’ve heard people talking about this and wonder what you think? 

To read like a writer is an active task - Collect and Reflect

OUR CURRENT PROJECT UPDATES - What writing projects are we working on & what’s happened this week?

Peter is still trying to take an hour a day to work on the first edit of his book about India and explains how much he found the Writing Wednesday newsletter from Steven Pressfield on Practice = Professional

Turning Pro - Steven Pressfield

LESSONS WE’VE LEARNED THIS WEEK - What have we learned about writing & publishing this week?

Pete realises that editing is the work just as much as writing, and Laura understands that Morning Pages is the work - they are all in the long-term plan for success whatever that is for each of us.

Recommended Product of the Week - Scrivener

Pete uses Scrivener for his writing. The creators of Scrivener say it is the go-to app for writers of all kinds, used every day by best-selling novelists, screenwriters, non-fiction writers, students, academics, lawyers, journalists, translators and more. Scrivener won’t tell you how to write—it provides everything you need to start and keep writing.

Interested in buying Scrivener? By using our link, it costs you the same, but it helps support the work of Derbyshire Writing School. Thanks!

BOOKS WE ARE READING AND RECOMMEND - What books are we reading this week?

Peter raves over News of the World: A Novel by Paulette Jiles

Laura talked about a documentary she watched that highlighted the power of literature.  College Behind Bars - A BBC Storyville Film - This film following students of the Bard Prison Initiative is a tribute to their ambition and endeavour.

PERSONAL UPDATES - What’s going on in our lives?

Pippa The Office Dog gets a lead role in a local nativity! Lockdown is constricting life for everyone, but the opportunity to walk with friends brings gratefulness