Episode 48 - The Writer’s Toolbox - The Tool of Journaling

In this episode, Pete and Laura chat about journaling. 

What exactly is journaling? How can this help us as writers?

Journaling is getting your thoughts from your head onto paper. But what are some benefits of Journaling?

Journaling can:

Help us manage stress and anxiety – positively affecting our mental health. Develop our creativity and build ideas. We can see patterns in our work, and we’ll learn what ideas have potential and which topic we keep returning to. Increase our gratitude. Just writing three things we’re grateful for each day can influence the impact gratitude has on our happiness. Help to find joy in difficult times. A 2006 study found journaling to have a positive effect for participants who initially had higher levels of psychological distress, as it provided reducing distress or even trauma. 

Different Methods For Journalling 

Morning Pages. Morning pages are a form of journaling. Julia Cameron made this tool famous in her book called ‘The Artist’s Way’.Logbook. We can use a logbook as a form of journaling.Bullet journal. A bullet journal is a planner, diary and journal all in one.We often associate free writing with journaling.

10 Journaling Prompts to Help You Reflect 

What has been the best thing that’s happened this week?Make a list of the things that bring you joy.What lessons have you learnt this week? This month? This year?Who are you?List your dreams, hopes, and goals. Write a letter to all the places you’ve lived. Write about your perfect day. Think about the people in your life and what they mean to you. When did you last feel disappointed? How did you overcome it?What is the biggest challenge you’ve overcome?

12 Days of Journaling 

This festive season we’re also creating a free journaling project and we’d love to invite you to take part. So, that is why we are giving you our FUN and FREE journaling prompts.

Spend five minutes a day or an hour each evening and reflect and re-energise with a burst of creativity on us. Sign up here.

We want to hear from you! info@derbyshirewritingschool.com

Send us a voice message.

Thanks for listening!