Episode 47 – The Writer's Toolbox – The Tool of  Creativity 

Writing is an act of creation. When we write, we bring new ideas, stories, even people, into existence. The more we write, the more we learn to craft and shape narrative. We learn what sounds good and we develop extra levels of creativity and imagination.

In this Writer's Toolbox episode, Pete and Laura chat about the tool of creativity - where they find ideas spark and how they develop those ideas. 

The dictionary defines creativity as the ability to produce original ideas, or to make something new or imaginative. 

At Derbyshire Writing School, we believe creativity is a skill. It can be taught and practiced.

3 Reasons Creativity Is The Most Important Skill In The World:

1. The most important thing creativity leads to is new thinking. If you can use your imagination to see problems differently, to see ideas differently, you will come up with solutions that nobody else has thought of. 

2. Creativity can lead to more positivity. If you know there is over one way of doing something, if you know, there will always be a way. You can be positive about finding a solution. 

3. Creativity can lead to more confidence. Once you allow yourself to come up with lots of ideas, you learn that some will be great and some will need work. You can then become more confident in your ability to keep generating ideas, and know that’s all that matters.

How To Develop Your Writer’s Tool Of Creativity

The best way to develop your creativity is to practice, practice and practice some more! Creativity isn’t just important for creative writing, employers all over the world, and seeking employees who are creative.

In this episode, Pete and Laura chat about creativity - where they find ideas spark and how they develop those ideas. 

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