Currently residing in Los Angeles, Sahara Rose has organically become a well known personality in the holistic wellness space. As a health coach certified in Ayurvedic Nutrition and Cooking, Sahara shares her wisdom as the author of the best-selling book, Idiot’s Guide to Ayurveda, and host of the #1 iTunes ranked podcast, "The Highest Self Podcast”. The podcast has built up an incredible following ranking it among the top 1% of podcasts on  the iTunes store with 1 million downloads a month. To add to her impressive background, she’s been endorsed by Deepak Chopra claiming he has passed the torch of Ayurveda onto her and has written the foreword in both her books. Sahara is passionate about combining ancient Ayurvedic healing and spiritual wisdom with modern western nutritional science and psychology along with globally-inspired plant-based recipes. She believes that Ayurveda is about teaching the tools to empower one’s self and getting to know what the body needs.

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