"Great grief means great love”. Those were the words that the Shaman told me the next morning while we all sat together in the common area finishing our breakfast of local fresh fruits and oatmeal. It was a long and intense first night towards a powerful step to healing myself with Ayahuasca. I had cried what seemed gallons of tears as my body purged the pain that was buried in me. The grieving process was a dark hole that I desperately wanted to climb out of.

I had never lost anyone close to me before. My Grandparents passed when I was young, and my parents are still thankfully alive and well. How could one possibly be equipped to lose someone they were just getting ready to spend the rest of their life with?

No one is.

All I wanted to know was when would the pain end? When would I be “OK”?

When will I be happy again?

How can I get through the day without medicating myself?

When every day feels like an eternity of pain. It’s hard to see the light at the tunnel.

The only way towards that light was with deep self-care, love, and patience.

In this episode, I speak about my journey through grief, the steps I took to heal myself and how grief can help make you #unfuckwithable