Previous Episode: Farewell for now

Here at BTC we gather to be Educated, Empowered & Energized, I wanted to share my raw thoughts on a situation I recently experienced. I was able through this situation to identify that I have a habit of holding on to shame in situations that's not mine. And in the process of holding onto the shame I allow the person or people who should be ashamed to live peaceful lives after inflicting pain in mine. I know what does any of this have to do with entrepreneurship? Well I believe that when we have pure hearts and clear minds there's no limit to the money we will attract in outlives and the opportunities that chase after us. I also wanted to encourage us all to seek someone to talk to there are may resources now during a pandemic that we can utilize to being the healing process we all need. Listed below are few links to sites you can utilize to find a professional near you to begin your CEO healing journey. I hope that my transparency and vulnerability has inspired you to take a chance on yourself and become whole. Becoming the CEO isn't only about the monetary benefits but the emotional freedom you get to enjoy as well. And if no one has ever told you deserve to live an emotionally whole life!

Find a therapist near me

Black Female Therapist 

Therapy For Black Men 

I'll see you all in Season 2 where we'll kick off the season talking about "Whats Love Got to Do With It?"

xoxo - Sabriena C.