All good things must come to an end and I must end Season 1 of Becoming the CEO Podcast. I am already preparing for Season 2 and I am so excited to get that content out to you all. I want to say THANK YOU! Thank you for your support, for lending your ears, your time and your wisdom. This podcasting journey has added to me in more ways than one. In todays episode I'd like to take a trip down memory lane and end a chapter in my life that was very traumatic. In episode 8 I shared my worst job experience and you all were so supportive as I opened up about my experiences being harassed and retaliated against by my former employer. This week the New York City Council voted to Expel former Council Member Andy King for harassment, accepting a kickback and his overall poor treatment of his staff. I sat through a 2 hour Stated meeting where not ONCE did he apologize for what he put myself and colleagues through. Instead he blamed everyone else including the manager he allowed to torment staff.

As I closed that chapter of my life I would like to say to staff who have experienced harassment or who are currently experiencing it, you are NOT alone. The Becoming the CEO Podcast community is with you! Season 1 has ended but we will be back on January 6th 2021. Be sure to follow me on IG @SabrienaC_ All BTC updates can be found on my page. Again thank you for joining me even when the audio wasn't that great lol I'm still working to make this home a comfortable one. See you in 2021 stay Empowered, Educated and Energized! 
Best regards, 

Sabriena C.