In school, we don't get to learn social skills. No one teaches us what mistakes not to make. When Erik was young, he was a lonely child with very few friends. He always thought it was just bad luck and never understood why.

A few years ago he started reading about social skills and how to interact with others and it opened a world of new knowledge. More than anything, he could see all the mistakes he had done when he was younger. For the first time, he realized that it wasn't bad luck that made him lonely, it was mistakes that he did.

If you want to know how to make more friends at school? or how to make more friends at work? this is a great episode for you.
Today's episode is a personal development episode, where Erik and Emil explore topics about how to grow as a person.

We are both personal development junkies and spend many hours every week sharing our ideas and reading about new things. This episode is great for you who want to learn about our latest perspective. We share lots of personal stories, talk about how it applies in our lives, and where we have learned it from.
This is another spontaneous and very vulnerable episode. We are diving into Erik's childhood and emotions. We are starting by getting an understanding of what Erik's life looked like as a 10-12-year-old, how it changed when he moved to another school as a teenager, and what he learned when he started learning about social skills.

"How to make more friends in school?" was one of the questions he tried to understand early and "How to make more friends at work?" is something he is now teaching. After years of diving deep into social skills and personal relationships, this is now one of his core interests and something he loves talking about and learning more about.