We want to teach you how to make $1000 a month online because we believe that if you had that extra money, you would have a lot less worry in your life. $1000 extra a month is enough to solve most money problems.

Today there are more opportunities to make money online than ever, you just have to know where to look. In this episode, Emil Ekvardt interviews Erik Bergman, who made over $50 million online, before he turned 30 and he will give you the exact steps you need to take to start making $1000 a month online.

Part 1
We will share a story about a friend of ours who went from 0 to $1000 per month and what made him succeed.

Part 2
We will talk about the most important ingredient to succeed when learning a new skill.

Part 3
Is about how you find the best skill for you and how you learn it.

Part 4
Is about how you start making money from the skill and how you can sell it.

Today's episode is an entrepreneurship episode, where Erik and Emil explore topics about how to become a better business person.

We are often sharing real-life examples that have happened previously in our careers. What we have learned, whom we have learned from, and how we have applied that into our real lives. Everything in a mix with personal thoughts and reflections.

We start the episode with the story about Felix. A friend of ours who went from 0 to $1000 per month when studying. We get to follow the steps that he took and what made him stand out from other people who tried. What were the elements of his success?

Then we move on to talk about the importance of having fun when learning a new skill. It's easy to forget fun when trying to make money, but the truth is that if you can find something you enjoy and make money from it, not only will you like it more - you will get a lot better at it.

Thirdly we go in what skills to learn to make $1000 a month online. We talk about different topics to learn. Based on what you enjoyed in school, this is a list for inspiration:

Math classes
Programming, start with "Python"
Web development, "Wordpress for beginners"
Accounting, start with "IFRS"
Spreadsheets, start with "learn excel"
Web analytics, "google analytics for beginners"
Facebook ads, "beginner Facebook ads"

The music or art classes
Create thumbnails, "thumbnails photoshop"
Content for social media, start with "canva beginner"
Audio editing, start with "podcast editing"
Video editing, "video editing"

Language classes
Copywriting (all kinds of writing online), "write product descriptions"
Copywriting, "SEO copywriter"
Subtitles for videos, "kapwing subtitles"
Translations, "start a translation business"

The social parts / Recess
Recruitment, "LinkedIn recruitment"
Sales, "cold email sales"
Coaching, "start a coaching business"

Finally we talk about how to turn the skills that you have learned into money. How you can sell it and start making $1000 a month online.

Link to recommended episode:

"Find inspiring people in social media"

Follow Erik and Emil on their social channels!