Did you get to learn about social skills when you went to school? Did someone teach you how to interact with others and feel confident?

One of the problems with the school system is that it doesn't focus on the skill that might be the most important of all, social skills. How to feel more confident talking to new people? How to feel less nervous in social situations?

Today we are diving into the challenges that we have had in our social life. This episode is focused on exploring Emil's struggles with feeling nervous and awkward around new people and social situations. What he did to come over it, how long it took and what are his best tips to learn social skills.
Today's episode is a personal development episode, where Erik and Emil explore topics about how to grow as a person.

We are both personal development junkies and spend many hours every week sharing our ideas and reading about new things. This episode is great for you who want to learn about our latest perspective. We share lots of personal stories, talk about how it applies in our lives, and where we have learned it from.
This episode was spontaneous and unplanned. We wanted to keep the conversation as real and genuine as possible and instead of planning, we dove into it. The focus became on exploring how Emil locked himself into a bubble of online poker for 10 years and during this time just stayed in his comfort zone.

When his girlfriend broke up with him he had to start socializing with others and found that he couldn't even talk to women. He asked himself "How to feel less nervous in social situations?" and "How to feel more confident talking to new people?"

He started challenging himself, growing his comfort zone, had friends to learn together with, and went from being socially challenged to someone who now loves social situations, meeting new people, and values his social skills as one of his main talents.