"A Big Shift For me was being able to recognize that I could feel two things or many things at once." - Maggie

"Instead Of, I Need To Do This Because This Is What The Research Says, I Am Actually Holding Little Maggie Too." - Maggie

Maggie Viers is an Occupational Therapist who has evolved into a conscious family coach. She supports the family system by helping to guide parents who are ready to heal and evolve. She is passionate about shifting the paradigm of how we view behavior. She blends her lived experience with consciousness, neuroscience, and attachment science in order to help navigate interactions between caregivers and their children in and outside of those tough moments, while simultaneously holding space for the inner children of the parents. 

Topics We Cover During This Conversation: 

How to BE gentle with ourselves while consciously evolving as parents.  How to navigate tough feelings of our children + others while simultaneously holding spce for the inner child parts of ourselves.  The goal is to model regulation, consciousness and integration tools.  Why it is important NOT to take our children feelings away ie. fix, change or save them from their feelings.  Triggers - how to separate the stories and hold space for both experiences.  Become the observer of your thoughts and tell yourself "this makes sense". 

We would love to hear your ah ha moments and/or any takeaways you have while listening, feel free to sending us a message or tag us both on Instagram. 


Instagram: @theempoweredfamily

Maggie works for Thriving Littles and has 1:1 sessions available for parents who are navigating conscious parenting, challenges, and want support backed in brain and body science. 


Instagram : @beautifullyunwinding

Blog: www.beautifullyunwinding.com

I have created a FREE journal prompt pdf to help you breakthrough the cycles that are causing you to feel stuck! - to access click > FREE JOURNAL PDF : BEautifully Unwind One Page at a Time

Have a magical day my friends!

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*By listening to this podcast, you agree not to use this podcast as medical advice to treat any medical condition in either yourself or others, including but not limited to patients that you are treating. Consult your own physician for any medical issues that you may be having.