When we ask questions our brain goes to work looking for the answers. 

During this episode I share questions I am asking myself, my children and my husband to gain awareness of self and clarity. My intention is to hold space for their experience and show up how they need me to rather than as I think they should need me to. 

When we are able to understand our true internal experience by asking ourselves questions such as: how did that experience feel in my body, how did that interaction feel in my body, how did that food feel in my body, how does being in nature feel in my body, how does that touch feel in my body, how does this weight feel in my body, how do I feel about the concept of magic feel in my body, how does abundance feel in my body, how does sweating feel in my body, how does breathing feel in my body, how does movement feel in my body, how does looking into their eyes feel in my body, we gain CLARITY and a connection to our own interal experience of this world. 

When we can accept and connect to our own internal experience, we are able to hold space for anothers internal experience even when, AND in my opinion most importantly when, it is different than our own. 

Thank you so much for listening in today for being open to the curiosity of what healing might look like for you.  have created a FREE journal prompt pdf to help you breakthrough the cycles that are causing you to feel stuck! - to access click > FREE JOURNAL PDF : BEautifully Unwind One Page at a Time

Have a magical day my friends!


Instagram : @beautifullyunwinding

Blog: www.beautifullyunwinding.com

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*By listening to this podcast, you agree not to use this podcast as medical advice to treat any medical condition in either yourself or others, including but not limited to patients that you are treating. Consult your own physician for any medical issues that you may be having.