Sandy is a health writer, health & wellness coach, self-help junkie, podcast host and bona-fide people person. After more than a dozen years as an entertainment reporter covering Hollywood, which had her stressed out and drinking too much, Sandy shifted gears to focus on health and wellness in both her life and work. She's passionate about sharing how small changes can make a big difference in how we feel inside our own body and brain and about our life and the world. She recently launched her own podcast - Inner Peace To Go! 

Topics we cover in this episode:

Listening to the whispers  Asking questions to gain clarity  Leaving the security of what is and jumping into the unknown for inner peace Overcoming the limiting belief that "success" = happiness It is a miracle we are even alive! 

Thank you so much for listening in today for being open to the curiosity of what healing might look like for you. If this conversation has you curious and wanting more you can find the Sandy's contact information in the show notes below. In addition, I have created a FREE journal prompt pdf to help you breakthrough the cycles that are causing you to feel stuck! - to access click click > FREE JOURNAL PDF : BEautifully Unwind One Page at a Time

Have a magical day my friends!


Instagram: @YouKnowSandy



Instagram : @beautifullyunwinding


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