Listen in as Lindsey Lockett a trauma educator and coach shares her personal healing journey, how she heals and helps others heal holistically as whole people by connecting internally and excavating trauma.

In this episode we talk about untangling from and attraction to cult-like ideologies, how curious and meaningful conversations and connections lead to healing, the power and possibility to step into the drivers seat of your life, the excavation process of discovering and healing trauma and so much more! 

Lindsey Lockett is the host of the Holistic Trauma Healing Podcast. After leaving behind the dogmas of fundamentalist religion and toxic wellness culture, Lindsey experienced her own dark night of the soul. During the healing journey that followed, she realized that trauma affects us as WHOLE people and therefore, we need to heal as WHOLE people. Although Lindsey has benefitted tremendously from therapy and psychiatry, these modalities never totally resonated with her because she found that they forced her to fragment herself rather than heal holistically. She set out to create an affordable and accessible approach that integrates the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and ancestral parts of our being. In addition to her podcast, Lindsey works one on one with clients as a trauma educator and coach, and she has also created the Trauma Healers Circle, an online community of empowered women who cheer each other on as they become the heroes of their own stories. She lives in the north woods of Minnesota with her husband and 2 teenagers, and enjoys growing her own food, making plant medicine, and cold-plunging in Lake Superior.

EXCLUSIVE DISCOUNT CODE FOR LINDSEY'S NEW COURSE - BELIEF BEYOND THE BINARY. The world can feel like an unsafe and polarized place right now, people can feel divided against each other with binary thinking. Right/wrong. Good/bad. I think it’s time for us to break free from the binary. Belief Beyond the Binary is a brand-new course from past podcast guest Lindsey Lockett. In her course, you’ll learn how to identify binary belief systems, why your nervous system is so attracted to them, and how to break free from the binary so you can live in your sovereignty & authenticity. Most importantly, Lindsey’s course will reconnect you with yourself so you can trust yourself. Click the following link: and use code BEAUTIFUL to save 10% on Belief Beyond the Binary!

Contact Lindsey Lockett: 

Instagram: @iamlindseylockett

Email: [email protected]

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