Today's episode explores the reality of Impostor Syndrome and how it's affecting your life and career. We examine a short exercise to help you learn more about your own expectations of yourself,  and discuss the 5 types of Impostor mindset that ruin your confidence streak.   

Stick around till the end, where we offer a few valuable strategies to use when pushing past old patterns of behaviour.  

Lady Spookaria is absent today, soz. She'll be back next episode :)  


Are you the type to turn away from a friendly compliment? 

Do you crush your million-dollar idea when you find out someone else did it first? 

Do you blame yourself if something goes wrong? 

Do you need to learn how to say “No!” and “I need help!” ?  

You’re not alone.  You might be experiencing the phenomenon known as Impostor Syndrome.   

Impostor Syndrome is the failure to internalize one’s accomplishments and skills, instead believing themselves to be a fraud, a failure, and undeserving of the position they are in. It can affect both men and women equally, and interferes with any area of our lives that requires high self esteem for success.  

Join Eden Vee and Lady Spookaria as they delve deep into the phenomenon. Discover your real, fearless self, say goodbye to destructive thought patterns, and become truly kick-ass and excellent with us today.    


Need Eden? Find her here (Click to follow):

E-mail | Website | Zombies Eat Grains | Twitter | Quora

Need Lady? Find her here (Click to follow):

E-mail | Website| Twitter| | Instagram | r/littlespooklings| Patreon| Discord Server | Ko-fi | Merch


Pretty good eh? If you wanna a piece of that hot graphic action, e-mail [email protected]


Clance, P. Imes, S. (1978) The Impostor Phenomenon in High Achieving Women, Dynamics and Therapeutic Intervention, Psychotheraphy: Theory, Research and Practice, Vol 15:3.

Wikipedia (2020) Impostor Syndrome

Young Ed.D, Valerie. The Secret Thoughts of Successful Women. Crown. Kindle Edition.

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