Previous Episode: Your Genesis
Next Episode: Mind Body Alignment

This episode is a long one because we have to make up for the lost timeSo this subject is just hittin’ the nail on the head for me, because I definitely have had me a week… if you guys follow me on social media (@vivianralena) you probably have noticed I wasn't as active as I usually am, and that’s because I had been feeling some different thangs. Some repressed emotions… some frustration, and even triggered some performance anxiety!Being vulnerable has to be the most complex, freeing, courageous & scariest thing that a person can do. I choose to be vulnerable with you guys, on social media, and with complete strangers, because I believe in authenticity and genuine character not he said she said bullshitDating - You do not owe anyone anything. Another person doesn't just get access to your body just because you go on a date with themBe authentic with who you are and your boundariesDo not put your worth in someone else’s opinion of you. You are a Game Changer #GameChangerGang #GCGThe struggle of what it’s like to work your ass off and feel burnt out or like there is no higher purpose or calling, or reason for why you are doing what you are doing. Knowing your commitment patterns could also be very usefulYour Superhero-ness… your possibilities… your potential… your divine lineage, where you came from. And no matter whether or not you are religious or believe in a higher power, I believe that knowledge is power and the more you know, the more you grow.Pageant Days - and oversimplifying answers onstage to questions lol and losing the crown because of itBeing inspired by actresses that played badass characters- what inspires you? Chase that.Nerdy wordy of the day - TriggeredYou Gonna Go and Affirm Yo’ Life - I firmly believe in affirmations and believe in the power of your daily dialog. So take out a journal, a notebook, a piece of scratch paper, whatever ya got and write or script these are the affirmations that I have for you: Try to repeat them after me: and feel genuine love for yourself and gratitude in your heart while repeating them:I am a beautiful everlasting soul that is important, worthy, and receptive of unconditional love.I am strong, happy, healthy, and whole.I am filled with joy and thankfulness every single day for who I am and the life I live.I am a superhero, the star of my own movie, and anything is possible for me.I can do anything that I set my mind to and success comes to me effortlessly.After you write these affirmations down, I want you to ask yourself, are these affirmations that I want to be in alignment with my own divine future? Do I want to live a life that is like this? And if you respond no in any way, besides yes, readjust your script accordingly. Write 5 more “I am” affirmations after those that are very specific to you, and then write “Your Name” at the top.Viva Wokeness Segment >>> Meditation Practice - So for a minute I play some healing solfeggio frequencies for you and for the entire time I want you to focus on 3 things: love, forgiveness, and peaceallow those things to resonate within your heartGCG - Game Changers Goal of the week - go out and do something new this week, or something nice for someone you don’t know of that you do know that would really appreciate the love, effort, or help. Go be a superhero to someone.Quote of the day - by Walter AndersonSend questions that you want to be answered & featured on the show to [email protected] out and change your mothaf*ckin game!