Has there been a time where you felt like you should have said something but you didn't? Are you able to speak up and hold your boundaries? Or are you always inconveniencing yourself?

As people pleasers, we tend to shy away from telling people what we truly want. We think that if we speak up that it will come off too harshly, people won't accept us and we worry that it will make others uncomfortable.

Well it's time to change that. It's time to start speaking up for ourselves and be more assertive. And we can do it in a way that makes us show up even more authentically. To help us with this, we are joined by Cara Tuttle Bell.

Cara Tuttle Bell is a speaker, author, consultant, and an activist-educator with over fifteen years experience working in higher education on gender equity, sexual harassment and assault prevention, and assertiveness.  Cara is the author of Drowning in Timidity: Women, Politeness, and the Power of Assertive Living.

In this episode, Cara teaches us how to be assertive, not aggressive, learn how to show up for yourself, communicate your needs and how being assertive helps you be authentic.

Connect with Cara Tuttle Bell:

Website: caratuttlebell.com

Instagram: @drowningintimidity

Purchase her book: Drowning in Timidity: Women, Politeness, and the Power of Assertive Living.

Connect with me, Ariel Bredder:

Instagram: @beyoutifulchick and @itstimetobeyoupodcast

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