Have you been living from your mind (driven by check lists, other people's expectations, and always on the go?) or have you been living from your heart (listening to your intuition, your inner wisdom and living a life that feels good)?

If you are more of the former, than you're not alone, and there is a way out.

Ulrika Sullivan used to be busy and unfulfilled until she discovered how to live from her heart. She went from being a scientist to making a shift to find her spark as a life coach, yoga teacher, energy healer, podcast host and author.

We discuss her new book, Wisdom Beyond What You Know: How to Shift from Being Driven by the Mind to Living From the Heart and Intuition.

Ulrika discusses the 7 shifts that you need to make in order to tap into your inner wisdom, live from your heart and have more fulfillment and happiness.

If you struggle to know what makes you happy, than this episode is for you.

It's time to stop living from the mind and start living from the heart.

Connect with Ulrika Sullivan:

Website: https://ulrikasullivan.com/

Purchase Wisdom Beyond What You Know: How to Shift from Being Driven by the Mind to Living From the Heart and Intuition: https://ulrikasullivan.com/the-book

Grab Your Guide to Listen to Your Intuition: https://ulrikasullivan.com/listen-to-your-intuition-1


Connect with me, Ariel Vaughan Bredder:

Instgram: @beyoutifulchick and @itstimetobeyoupodcast

It's Time to Be YOU Facebook Community

email: [email protected]