In this episode of Authoritti5.0, we're celebrating International Women's Day. I knew immediately that I wanted Shay Rowbottom on the front cover because I wanted to show other women that to be the best version of yourself, you have to walk through the chaos and the complex to see the inner beauty. And I think that Shay is a perfect model for all women, no matter what their age, race, or profession.

We need to stop looking at perfectly manicured Instagram sensations and start realizing that to get to your core, you have to start on the inside. And in this episode, I don't want to talk about LinkedIn at all. I want to talk about Shay and her journey. So in this interview, we are going to reverse-engineer Shay Rowbottom. Shay takes us on her personal growth journey and the critical role it has played to her fame on Linkedin as one of the most recognized Personal Brands.

Shay Rowbottom is a LinkedIn influencer and digital marketing entrepreneur specializing in creating social media video content to attract attention and eyeballs to content. Shay's video marketing agency specializes in helping businesses or business owners attract their target audience and close more deals through the use of organic video content specifically on the LinkedIn platform.

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