Cher Jones is the queen of Linkedin Lives and if you haven't met her, I highly recommend you follow her work on Linkedin because she takes her Live show to a whole new level.

Cher is a social media trainer and a personal branding coach who has the love of technology wired into not just her personality but her DNA. She has over 18 years of PR marketing and broadcasting experience and has been actively using social media since 1999.

She is one of Canada’s top online personal branding experts. As a corporate trainer, she helps companies remain relevant and competitive with social media training that means business. She’s regularly invited to speak at conferences, academic institutions, and industry events.

In this podcast interview, we talk about her story, her background in Television and how she has utilised her skills to build her brand on Linkedin and be known as the queen of Linkedin Lives.

Don't forget that you can read her story in Authoritti5.0 Magazine. She is on the front cover of Issue #38 and the magazine is FREE! You can register to get a free copy of the magazine delivered to your inbox each month here.

You can contact Cher here:
