Series: Relationships After Hard

Hardships, fallouts, breakups, divorce, restoration, and revitalization after a global pandemic and other hard things.

Episode 5: Be Intact with Being "The One Who..."

For more information, current offerings & Free Guides for singles and couples -


What labels are you wearing stating, and claiming "I am always the one who..., and THEY never...." How may this be impacting your relationship - and what powerful options do you have (available to you now) to do something about it. 

Reflecting, and owning a title versus letting a title or label take over your actions and behavior is a powerful stance. Language is important here. What options and powerful choice will you make next? It will take doing something or saying something you have never done before. 

When you take the new actions, what are the new possibilities? What labels are you wearing that are not helping in actions you want or the path you want to go AND how are others living into those pieces of you as well? 

These things won't be comfortable and we believe transformation is possible in being the one who... 

Download our FREE "What to Say..." Guide to get started on these conversations -

To enroll in our upcoming workshops click this link - Singles workshop enrollment coming soon for October 7-8, 2023 in the Seattle, WA area.