Series: Relationships After Hard

Hardships, fallouts, breakups, divorce, restoration, and revitalization after a global pandemic and other hard things.

Episode 5: Be Intact with Being "The One Who..."

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We are all walking and living pasts trying to interact together. When we bring our past into the present it cuts off the possibility for something new to happen. In this episode we discuss that AFTER can mean new opportunities to explore. 

We go over simple phrasing of what to say, or how to get started in those new experiences. While also, offering tips of how to catch and notice how you may be tripping up in your marriage, relationship, or divorce process. 

Negative stories about our relationships or past do not have to last forever.

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To enroll in our upcoming workshops click this link - Singles workshop enrollment coming soon for October 7-8, 2023 in the Seattle, WA area.