Series: Relationships After Hard

Hardships, fallouts, breakups, divorce, restoration, and revitalization after a global pandemic and other hard things.

Episode 4: Be Intact with Strikes Against You


Strike 1: Fantasy, we don't think we will live a fantasy life, but we do think FROM it. In the backward and out of awareness. We live it, and speak it in what we say, our actions and it can breed upset. 

Strike 2: Fear. Upsets are a form or symptom of protection. We do not disclose things out of fear of loss, losing one's self, failure... and my not communicating out of fear - the relationship is harmed.

Strike 3: I/Ego, as much as we would like to say it is not about ME. It is. There is no way around it - AND it is not bad. 

So what it is there to do now? How do I fix it? Listen in on this worthwhile discussion and how these strikes unfold in parenting, dating, couples and marriages.

Download our FREE "What to Say..." Guide to get started on these conversations -


To enroll in our upcoming workshops click this link - Singles workshop enrollment coming soon for October 7-8, 2023 in the Seattle, WA area.