Series: Relationships After Hard

Hardships, fallouts, breakups, divorce, restoration, and revitalization after a global pandemic and other hard things.

Episode 3: Be Intact with New

For more information, current offerings & Free Guides for singles and couples -

Relationships post something hard, like a global pandemic, are victim to falling into ‘normal’, it feels new - but there is a difference now, with history. It is still ordinary.

Explore more with Zach and Sierra about how there is no going back. Now is the time for creation steps.

This is not the past, kids are older, jobs have changed… Your relationship has been through something! Your relationship has been through the unexpected hard. This, is the now what.

Download our FREE "What to Say..." Guide to get started on these conversations -

To enroll in our upcoming workshops in September and October, click this link - Singles workshop enrollment coming soon for October 7-8, 2023 in the Seattle, WA area.