This show is the second in the Optimal Immunity Series co-host, Betty Norlin. You can search for her series, “Optimal Attitude” by searching for “Optimal” on our website,, which aired in 

the first few months of 2023 and her series, “Optimal Order” by searching for “Season 8.” It aired in the middle of 2021.

Betty is an award-winning international speaker, best-selling author, and teacher. She has her nutrition certification from Health Sciences and her Positive Prime Certification, which focuses on neuroscience and positive psychology.

Grief can be described as losing someone or something we love. We all deal with grief differently and we know that if we don’t deal with it, it can affect our stress levels, our immune system, and our health. 

Today we are going to have a very candid conversation about grief, loss, gaining perspective, and ways to help ourselves or loved ones cope with this part of life. 

In this season we will bring you tips, tricks, strategies and current approaches to recharging and revitalizing your immune system naturally. 

Today we will explore digging into our response to grief and how to process loss as part of the healing journey. 

In this session we will discuss:

·             What is grief and what is stress and how are the two similar and different?

·             What influences how a person grieves?

·             What is complicated grief and how is that different from normal grief?

·             Are the 5 stages of grief still applicable?

·             What are the “8 honorings” (Dr. Ken Druck) to help those who’ve lost someone?

·             What are 4 most important things to remember when healing from the loss of a loved one?

·             Can you share about grief in your own life and how you developed the perspective you developed?

To request a free PDF version of the book 31 Days of Inspiration Faith vs.Fear: The First 31 Days of a Cancer Diagnosis email betty at: [email protected] and put 31 Days in the Subject line.