As we explore how to improve your immune system naturally in this series of Optimal Immunity, we are going to explore how vibrations and vibrational medicine are used in this show. Betty’s three programs are Optimal Order, Optimal Attitude, and Optimal Immunity. Betty has studied natural health and healing for over 30 years. Her interest began when she was diagnosed with a virus the doctors couldn’t cure, which taught her that we have to take ownership in our own health and healing and become part of our own healing team, along with the team of doctors we have. Let’s get started!

In this session we will discuss:

·      What has been your experience in understanding and using vibration to bring your body into balance?

·      Dr. Richard Gerber wrote a book in 1988 called: Vibrational Medicine: New Choices for Healing Ourselves. Can you elaborate on this book?

·      How has vibrational therapy helped with mental health?

·      What types of scientific studies are behind vibrational medicine?

·      What happens in the body as a result of vibrational medicine?

·      What exactly is vibrational medicine and what are some examples?

·      What can you tell us about how vibrational medicine is being explored with astronauts?

·      Can you speak about the RIFE machine and how you used these vibrations in dealing with your own cancer?

To request a free PDF version of the book 31 Days of Inspiration Faith vs. Fear: The First 31 Days of a Cancer Diagnosis email betty at: [email protected] and put 31 Days in the Subject line.