The process of detoxification is as old as time, but we need it now more than ever in our highly-toxic, modern world. In this week’s episode of Be HEALTHistic, Drs. Stephen and Drew Sinatra welcome back former guest Dr. Deanna Minich — an expert in nutrition and functional medicine — to explain the power of metabolic detoxification to cleanse our bodies at the cellular level. First, the doctors talk about metabolic detoxification, the main organ systems involved, and why this process is crucial in lowering our toxic load. Dr. Deanna explains why plastics are so hazardous, what we can do to limit our exposure, and why the method of cooking and cookware we use matters. Next, she explains the phases of detoxification, and the nutrients and foods needed to move through them. The doctors also discuss the importance of detoxing the skin through a good sweat, and why proper breathing techniques are critical to keeping our lungs healthy. Finally, Dr. Deanna shares her number one tip for lowering your toxic load right now. Don’t miss this vital episode of Be HEALTHistic!