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Jen takes us back to 1997, when she was in a traumatic car accident in Boulder, Colorado, and it was through that car accident that she found pilates.

And so through that accident, she literally was in different holistic doctors offices for eight hours a day for it was a year or two, non-stop and so she experienced cranial sacral, massage, acupressure, acupuncture, chiropractic, she was doing psychological, learning and neurological and learning.

There was at one point, like I could look at fruit and I'd be like, oh, could I have that orange? But it was an apple.

So it was really there in Boulder through that car accident, which literally. Totally derailed everything I was going to do and bring me down another path.

Jen calls the accident such a blessing.  She had the ability to rehab with Pilates for two straight years before she ever even thought of getting into the industry. So it was really,  thank goodness for Boulder.

Thank goodness for the car accident for the gentlemen that,  rear-ended me going so darn fast at a red light. God bless them she says,  it totally changed her life

Jen and I uncover so much wisdom in this podcast from a varied of different modalities to speaking about current events and how we are both dealing with the pressure of the collective consciousness through out own awakening and purpose on this planet.


About the Host, Zak Lioutas
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About the Guest, Jennifer Pilates
