October 23 & 24, 2021

Gail gives us her insight on what energy is and how we can shift it when we are aware of it.

We sense a lot of things about others through our energy field, through our conscious,  awareness.

And we have energy senses that are just as real as our physical senses, we've just been taught to ignore them.

Understanding energy always you to be in control of your actions and your reactions.

It allows you to become liberated in recognizing you have control of yourself and no one else.

Being a cat woman for 33years, Gail speaks about having a deeper connection with your pets and how you bond with them, can help you heal immensely.

Gail speaks about the variety of energies that are out there and can manipulate or seduce your energy to believe something that isn’t what you isn’t true.

People transmute energies that are not always pleasant ones. It is up to you to recognize and take control of your energy.

When you take control of your energy, you don’t blame others for your wrong doing or the options you’ve chosen to take. You take full responsibility of the whole of you and don’t have a problem expressing yourself.

Gail speaks about her left brain logical beginning before she embarked on a journey of self discovery after a painful breakup, where she dreamt to have the 2.5 kids and the white picket fence.

Going through some extremely dark times, Gail wanted to end end her life and found no point in living.

While going through this journey she heard a voice within herself telling her “I love you.” it was accompanied with a golden energy, filling every cell of her body.

This experience was so profound for Gail, had it just been a voice alone that came to her, she would have dismissed it, but because it was accompanied by this incredible energetic visceral experience, she had to acknowledge something big was happening.

There isn’t a day that goes by that Gail don't say thank you to God for picking her up, dusting her off and showing her, her wings that she realized, “you know, when you have wings, you need never fear in anything.”

Her life started to shift slowly as she kept on digging deeper on learning about energy and shift her life.

Gail speaks about her journey through Germany and Paris and how her parents came to visit her.

Learning the greatest lessons from speaking and hanging out with her mom for a week, Gail made some realizations about herself.

Come listen to the podcast, it’s full of nuggets, laughter, wisdom and motivation.

October 23 & 24, 2021

About the Host, Zak Lioutas

Connect with Zak on her Socials
The Empress Hangout on Facebook
Join BFU Instagram

About the Guest, Gail Behrend


Purchase Gail's Book HERE
Purchase on Amazon HERE