October 23 & 24, 2021

Michael discusses when he start to open up and be ready to the opportunities.

Going back to the experience of his brothers passing he would for years be afraid of life. He  was afraid to be seen, of  being noticed and wanted to fly under the radar and yet he would do all these crazy things for attention.

Instantly something cracked him open and it was this beautiful journey of self discovery coming in as a snowball effect, staying curious to all the things that came to his awareness in a loving way.

Michael brings us down the lane of curiosity and helps dig into find our inner child curiosity back into our adult life.

Finding peace in stillness to find the answers from within. In stillness after the from being a total go getter, go, go, go, go, go. Constantly thinking on how he can get things?

How can he  increase his performance?

How can he do, to get this promotion?

How can he do this?  And he would do that no matter what, I did for a living, I would boom, boom, boom, boom, and move my way up quickly.

Usually the cost was too my, mental wellbeing and to my physical health. And to just my psychological state of being able to relax, I just wasn't there, says Michael.

He had so many thoughts come to his mind that tried to keep him stuck such as, what the hell are you doing?

You don't have a clue, what's going on.

You're going to lose everything, become homeless, lose your family and friends, you're gonna be broke, all these terrible things are going to happen because you're not following this other person's formula.

Following other people's formula made Micheal successful yet he was ready to do it his way.

He shares wisdom to men on how to let go and surrender to the old self while you step into something more empowering to your own self.

Michael and I speak about the Toxic Masculine and Feminine slogans that are lingering in space, bringing light to how to support one another in a relationship regardless of what kind of relationship it is. We look into healing our own masculine and feminine energies from within.

Michael brings a perspective on how to deal with men can deal with their emotions and come up winning in any relationship once you work through it.

He gets deeper into helping men unlock their power through the process of expression and journaling.

His dogs taught his great lessons of being safe and enough. Being someone that looked outside of himself for love because he did know how to love himself, Michael learned through speaking to his dogs, showed him a part of himself.

Michael speaks about what love means to him today.

Explaining what “I am enough” means to him and how men can tap into their enoughness.

Michael explains how to remember who you really are away from the old programming that was feed to us since childhood. Men there is a way to express yourself and remember who you are and be okay with feeling like you're enough and not through your pocket book.

Guiding men through the head into the heart and just allowing one thing at a time to come to you. It takes practice to come into your authentic self.

Michael took blame for his parents divorce becoming suicide of these thoughts an pressures he put on himself.

Working through the process of dissolving imprints of his parents divorce, his brothers passing his mother helped him ungift his healing abilities to help humanity through the process of healing their own wounds.

Michael and I tackle many that helps support a man to bring out the best of him while healing through the wounds of his past. Bringing my happiness into your life, speaking from your heart surrendering to the ego and tapping into your inner Jimmy or Johnny.

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About the Host, Zak Lioutas

Connect with Zak on her Socials
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About the Guest, Michael Overlie
