October 23 & 24, 2021

Christine speaks to us about communicating with our body to understand why we may be feeling discomfort.

Somatic awareness being a form of mindfulness, focusing on the experience of the body.

Imprints of emotions, patterns, belief systems get lodged into certain parts of the body.

Speaking about where people hold in their head or body, Christine breaks it down for us.

Believing that things are only in your head and not clearing the body of any energetic debris brings you out of alignment with your higher consciousness.

Christine speaks about dropping from your head into your heart. The distance is short, yet the work is deep. Communicating with your body can help you release old imprints of false beliefs of yourself as you open yourself up to receiving love.

The way our mind works, the way  we make sense of the world is our own narrative, our body doesn’t have a story.

Christine explains how our body is communicating with us through our emotions and the repeated stories that are played in our head.

Accessing both the heart, mind and body is bringing harmony to your life. Being out of alignment with your heart and body, is being disconnected with yourself.

Bringing light to  the difference between the head and heart, how they operate differently and how they keep us protected or small in this vast world.

Christine covers so many aspects of arriving back home into your heart.

We have a vast conversation about tapping into our spiritual counsel, giving you permission to surrender to the old and step into the new.

October 23 & 24, 2021

About the Host, Zak Lioutas

Connect with Zak on her Socials
The Empress Hangout on Facebook
Join BFU Instagram

About the Guest, Christine Samuel
