October 23 & 24, 2021

Ben brings us his expertise of what to expect from expectations.

Expectations are not neither positive or negative.  What they are, is a great way to start communicating what you want in your life.

One of the greatest defaults of expectations is the fear of expressing them.

When your expectations are not communicated you feel all sorts of other emotions that come from an old wound or trauma.

Ben and I get into the childhood of expectations and how we carry what we thought was good for us through our parents lenses into our adulthood.

Practicing expectations is the only way to become confident in yourself.

Bringing expectations in correlation with the 5 Love Languages and how you can create open dialogue between you and your spouse, family, friends, co-workers. 

Ben shares with his the downfall of expectations and how our desired response is an expectation of another, rather than just accepting what is.

Breaking it down from being upset to not having an expectation met, to pinpointing where the expectation is coming from and dissolving it, so that it doesn’t take up more energy.

“your expectation is completely unreasonable, unless you're willing to share your expectation with the other person. 'cause if it, if the expectation is only in your head, then the other person has no idea and they can't do anything to, to support your expectation of them.”

Ben speaks about how good it is to have your expectations met once verbalized.

While in the process of self-development and wanting to find a girlfriend, Ben shares his quick purchase of a course.

Being in the process of healing his relationships and finding a girlfriend, been stumbled upon improv.

Improv changed his life.
It gave him more confidence, taught him how to live in the present moment, not worry about the future and drop expectations.

We get into the conscious and subconscious mind and how it is always on, even when we are sleeping.

Ben gives us tools and techniques on how to heal from relationships and your expectations.

October 23 & 24, 2021

About the Host, Zak Lioutas

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About the Guest, Ben Winter

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