Authentic happiness, living well, feeling comfortable and confident. Sound good? Join the conversation as I talk with Maura Sweeney about how we can achieve these things in our life...and hear about her green chair moment.

Author, Podcaster, International Speaker, eCourse creator and Frequent Media Guest, Maura Sweeney pioneered her own journey toward an authentic life and now helps others do the same.

It took a moment of crisis in law school to catalyze her from people pleaser to career and life pioneer. A former decorated corporate manager and home schooling mom, she transitioned again at midlife to fulfill some of her earliest callings on an international scale. As the trademarked Ambassador of Happiness®, Maura now engages international audiences with reflective questions, personal stories and paradigm shifting concepts with a “Living Happy – Inside Out” philosophy. For her global work to inspire a better, happier and more sustainable society, Maura received the Woman of the Decade Award at the Women’s Economic Forum in The Hague in 2019.

Podcast - Maura Sweeney: Living Happy - Inside Out (iTunes:
Website -
Twitter - @Maura4u