This week I needed to hop on a soapbox. I saw a quote the other day attributed to the lovely Brené Brown which I (shockingly) disagreed with. Normally, I love Brené's work, but the quote I read of hers did not sit right with me. So in today's podcast episode, I outline why I disagree and how I would've said what she said a little differently. It is my belief and I've witnessed this to be true in countless environments, that we MUST constantly evaluate ourselves in order to have constant improvement. Holding ourselves against the standards of our defiant expectation is imperative to nurture the growth and progress we hope to see in the world. I also know it's super important to not just constantly evaluate yourself but to also clearly outline how that improvement could occur. We don't need to give ourselves rejection, we need guidance and encouragement. But we can't give quality guidance and encouragement without identifying our current situation and where we expect to go. Also in this episode is 1) how much I really do love Brené Brown's work and 2) an exercise that you can do at home to practice this new method of constant improvement. Enjoy! Keep in Touch with Emily Ann Peterson Special thanks to Lee Rosevere for allowing us to feature his music in this episode! 3 Ways You Can Support the Bravery! 1. Leave a review on iTunes We would LOVE it if you’d leave a podcast rating or review on iTunes. Simply click here to get started >>> 2. Share this episode with a friend If you have a friend who might really love/need to hear this episode, what are you waiting for?! Email, text, fb message, snail mail - all great options! 3. Become a Patron of Bare Naked Bravery Every patron gets awesome goodies, super early advance links to Emily Ann's new songs & releases, and so much more! $1 Monthly $3 Monthly $5 Monthly $10 Monthly $15 Monthly $25 Monthly $100 Monthly I'm looking forward to being with you next week. We have some great things in store for you! Until then I have one message for you. It's this: Be yourself. Be vulnerable. Be brave. Because the world needs more of your Bare Naked Bravery.

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