Okay guys get ready for a really intimate conversation this week. Today we have the privilege of hearing a really tender side of Holli Margell's experience as a photographer and specifically as a daughter of someone who died from breast cancer. A side note: Holli and I don't talk about this really in the episode, but I know it's really timely to mention that providing places for women to get cancer screenings and regular checkups with a doctor is SO important. I am an avid supporter of Planned Parenthood for this very reason. Unfortunately, the accessibility of this service is being threatened with our current political climate. This is why for anyone who leaves a review in iTunes saying how much they appreciate Holli's vulnerability, then I will donate $10 from my personal bank account to Planned Parenthood. So leave a review and I'll donate $10 to ensure cancer screenings are accessible and affordable. Click here to leave a review Okay, back to Holli. You guys are going to adore her. She has such a kind a generous spirit which I know comes through in her parenting, and life as a mompreneur and owner of Native Light Photography which is based out of the Seattle area. Oh and guess what! This is so cool. Remember Nathan Vass? the artist and bus driver we interviewed a couple weeks back in episode 42? Well *he* nominated Holli to appear on Bare Naked Bravery. and if you'll remember *he* was nominated by a fellow BNB listener! This is 4th degree Bravery right here! So freaking cool. So let's jump into it. Take a deep breath 'cause this one's worth listening up for. Without further ado, I give you Holli Margell. Brave Take-Aways Your main Brave-Take Away for today's episode is to do what I mentioned earlier in the episode. For every review you leave in iTunes mentioning this episode, I will donate $10 to Planned Parenthood to ensure cancer screenings are accessible and affordable. Your secondary Brave-Take Away is to get yourself screened. Make an appointment with a doctor to make sure you've got the preventative measures taken care of. I know that's not a really sexy homework assignment, but this is the stuff that makes the world go round. This is how bravery really is. It's not sexy. Sometimes it's covered in sniffles, tears, and tissues and isn't always glamorous. Keep in Touch with Holli Margell http://holliwithani.com/http://nativelightphoto.com/ http://twitter.com/HolliMargell https://www.facebook.com/SeattleNativeLightPhoto/ Keep in Touch with Emily Ann Peterson http://emilyannpeterson.comhttp://instagram.com/emilyannpete http://facebook.com/emilyannpeterson http://twitter.com/emilyapeterson Other Links Mentioned in the Show Jake Hemming: Singer-SongwriterKye Alfred Hillig: Shaking SnowglobesKye Alfred Hilig: Truth & TraumaNathan Vass: Empowering Others And if you enjoyed listening to this episode as much as we enjoyed making it for you, please. Give us a review and rate the show in your iTunes desktop app or on your podcast app on your phone. Seriously, it helps us out a lot more than it is a hassle for you. All this bravery deserves to be spread as far and wide as possible. *You're* a part of all that! Credits If you're diggin' the music in today's episode, that's because it's brought to you by my friends at Music Box Licensing, a premier creative music agency dedicated to finding and crafting unique soundtracks. To find out more about all the artists, musicians, and other sponsors of the show, please visit barenakedbravery.com/sponsors 3 Ways You Can Support the Bravery! Leave a review on iTunes We would LOVE it if you’d leave a podcast rating or review on iTunes.   Simply click here to get started >>> http://bit.ly/bnbrr Share this episode with a friend If you have a friend who might really love/need to hear this episode, what are you waiting for?! Email, text, fb message, snail mail - all great options! Become a Patron of Bare Naked Bravery Every patron gets awesome goodies, super early advance links to Emily Ann's new songs & releases, and so much more! $1 Monthly$3 Monthly$5 Monthly$10 Monthly$15 Monthly$25 Monthly$100 Monthly I'm looking forward to being with you next week. We have some great things in store for you! Until then I have one message for you. It's this: Be yourself. Be vulnerable. Be brave. Because the world needs more of your Bare Naked Bravery.

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