Today we get to talk with John Ruhlin of The Ruhlin Group. His company is trusted by all these top leaders of fast-growing companies (Chicago Cubs, San Antonio Spurs, Morgan Stanley, DR Horton, and more) to develop relationships and gifting strategies. We'll get into exactly what that means later in the episode. But let me tell you that everything he's talking about today, WORKS. Whether it's a hand-written note, or a small thoughtful token of gratitude or even a super fancy expensive gift, being generous with your gratititude always works. Always. John wrote this book called "Giftology" which has been featured in media outlets like Forbes magazine. The book is filled with case studies, stories, and ideas for how to give better gifts and as a result build better relationships. John's got some great advice for us today, AND a cool download with a list of the Top Gifts to Avoid Giving, which you can download right now by going to But that .pdf download will make a lot more sense when you hear some of John's story and my own experience in applying his ideas to my life. Let's hop to it! Brave Take-Aways Okay, so beyond the Bare Naked Bravery Adult Coloring Book, your Brave Take-Away from today's show is... We'd love to hear all about your favorite parts of today's Bare Naked Bravery. You can find John Ruhlin and myself on facebook, twitter, instagram, and more. Go ahead and tag us so we can cheer you on and see what you're up to. Keep in Touch with Nomi Correli Keep in Touch with Emily Ann Peterson http://emilyannpeterson.com Credits If you're diggin' the music in today's episode, that's because it's brought to you by my friends at Music Box Licensing, a premier creative music agency dedicated to finding and crafting unique soundtracks. To find out more about all the artists, musicians, and other sponsors of the show, please visit 3 Ways You Can Support the Bravery! Leave a review on iTunes We would LOVE it if you’d leave a podcast rating or review on iTunes.   Simply click here to get started >>> Share this episode with a friend If you have a friend who might really love/need to hear this episode, what are you waiting for?! Email, text, fb message, snail mail - all great options! Become a Patron of Bare Naked Bravery Every patron gets awesome goodies, super early advance links to Emily Ann's new songs & releases, and so much more! $1 Monthly$3 Monthly$5 Monthly$10 Monthly$15 Monthly$25 Monthly$100 Monthly I'm looking forward to being with you next week. We have some great things in store for you! Until then I have one message for you. It's this: Be yourself. Be vulnerable. Be brave. Because the world needs more of your Bare Naked Bravery.

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