Certain form issues pop up regularly with lifters.  Common cues arise to address these issues.  “Knees out” remains a staple cue for coaches looking to fix errors in the squat, including knee cave and knee slide.

As a lifter descends in a correctly performed squat, the muscles lengthen under load, and the lifter should feel an increased tightness as she approaches the bottom.  This provides a stretch reflex that assists the successful completion of the lift.  Knees caving in and knees sliding forward alleviate the tightness in the bottom, increasing the comfort in the bottom but decreasing the mechanical efficiency of the squat.  

Learn the intricacies of knee slide and knee cave, how the “knees out” cue helps the knees stay out and reduce or eliminate knee cave and knee slide, and how this causes a more efficient squat.  

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