I seem to be doing this on a regular basis don’t I? Ben, myself, and our new cohost tried on two different occasions to get the next show recorded. We started and finished the show, but as soon as I hit ‘stop’ tried to save the audio as an mp3 to work on it later. […]

I seem to be doing this on a regular basis don’t I? Ben, myself, and our new cohost tried on two different occasions to get the next show recorded. We started and finished the show, but as soon as I hit ‘stop’ tried to save the audio as an mp3 to work on it later. Audacity crashed, both times. I was planning on putting together some bonus content for you over the weekend. But on Saturday I had to take Ben to a mall in Indianapolis so he could spend some money. Unfortunately I couldn’t finagle him into buying me stuff. Then on Sunday I had to take my mother to Danville to see a friend of hers who was in the hospital. And then I said to myself, “Damn, where did all the time go?”. I was going to at least try to haphazardly throw something together today but I was outside working on my car. Changing my own oil took a good five or six hours because my oil filter is stuck tight. No way to get it off. I had to give up about an hour after dark because I couldn’t see anymore. Hopefully someone can come out tomorrow and take a look at it for me.

But, I have this entire week off of classes so I’m going to sit down and record some bonus shows in advance for when someone on the BOaC team drops the ball or a program crashes, that way you don’t have to miss a second of our great content.

That’s all for now, and as always, I’m Eldon K.R. saying, “I don’t have cancer, so I’m not stopping.”

See you next week.