Next Episode: Yet another delay

Once again I’m sorry that this is so late. But I’ve got the whole thing with school going on. That and I’ve gotten really addicted to one of my DS games. The main reason this one was so late is that I’ve been trying to teach Ben some of the production aspects of this show […]

Once again I’m sorry that this is so late. But I’ve got the whole thing with school going on. That and I’ve gotten really addicted to one of my DS games. The main reason this one was so late is that I’ve been trying to teach Ben some of the production aspects of this show behind the scenes, that way I’m not the one stuck doing all the work on Saturday and Sunday. This show did go pretty well, however, you will notice some problems with the audio. I recorded in my living room for this episode. That is the most unlevel room in the house and it presented some problems with the table wiggling anytime someone shook their foot or moved. The result was the vibrations traveling up the mic stand and being picked up, there wasn’t much I could do about it, as well as other forms of interference that occurred. But I learned my lesson to never record in that room again. On the bright side, I have some good stuff planned for next week so stay tuned. As always I’m Eldon K.R. saying: I don’t have cancer, so I’m not stopping.

Time line

00:00 Intro

01:30 Rolling with Saget performed by Jamie Kennedy

04:30 Start of Show

08:25 iTunes BSOD

11:15 Ben’s computer says fuck you

13:00 Hurricanes

14:20 The Fucked Up Shit in the News

14:55 Choke Trailer

16:50 Grand Theft Auto Saves Lives

18:25 Jack Thompson Gets Disbarred

20:15 Metamor City Podcast and the talented work of Chris Lester

21:15 Prince of Persia

22:50 Eagle Eye and other movies

25:55 Nintendo DS

34:25 Ben’s Big Penis suit

35:10 Eldon needs a smoking jacket

36:25 Ben basks in the glory of knowing something that Eldon doesn’t

36:40 WTF of the week

38:45 Video games improve your brain

40:00 Child’s play Charity

44:55 Things are not the way they used to be

48:10 Disney Stars and Porn

50:00 Kids nowadays are fucked up and stupid

52:05 Anime and other things from japan

54:30 Magic The Gathering

56:20 Book,Movie and Video Game Updates

56:55 Hobbit Porn

59:15 End Of Show


60:50 Star Wars Code Name Star Keeper

63:10 Antithesus Book 1 Predestination and Other Games of Chance

63:35 Outro

65:12 Show Over

And remember that if you want to leave feedback on the blog, or give an iTunes review. I’d like it a whole bunch. You can send an email to [email protected], or you can call the voicemail line which is (206) 339-5825.

A big thanks to Libertine Leech for providing the outro music. Thanks to Spaztastic Sara for the iTunes cover art. And the biggest thanks to all of you for listening.

See you next week.