Previous Episode: Yet another delay
Next Episode: BOaCS2Ep10- The Nerdcast

Famous last words. Well, that would be the first thing that popped into my head after I entered the title for this post. For anyone that cares about my personal life, or at least as much of my personal life that I feel comfortable putting on the internet, I’ve created a new blog for posts […]

Famous last words. Well, that would be the first thing that popped into my head after I entered the title for this post.

For anyone that cares about my personal life, or at least as much of my personal life that I feel comfortable putting on the internet, I’ve created a new blog for posts that are unrelated to the show. It maybe unrelated to the show, snippets from my personal life, or things that don’t make it from my brain to the show, or something I don’t wish to discuss on the show for the sake of my cohosts.

With that said, moving on.

I halfway admit that I’ve been neglecting the show. I had a valid explanation for why I didn’t put a show up when episode then was supposed to air, it’s explained in the post preceding this. As for the second week in a row with a lapse in posting, Everything was recorded and all ready to roll out. I had Ben compile the show notes. And I was going over to Kyle’s house that night, so I brought the portable hard drive with me and I was going to upload the episode and finish off the behind the scenes post production there. But his computer did not want to cooperate with my portable hard drive. That hindered things a bit. There were also many forces in play that prevented me from doing so. One of them will be discussed in the show for next time, and you’ll know it when you hear it. Another is that I was lazy, and everyone on the show was busy and a show didn’t get recorded. Instead of posting one week and going MIA another week I chose to wait until now to post episode ten. Now you are caught up.

More news.

Ben is getting the hang of creating show notes. And so that I’m not the only one doing all the work for the show I’m trying to get Kyle into editing the show. That way Kyle is editing all the audio for each show, and Ben is screening each episode while he transcribes the show notes. And I’m left with the other behind the scenes post production. Such as uploading the show to the server, creating the blog posts, doing all the HTML work, and dealing with those pesky ID3 tags, and all the stuff that gets the show from our brains through our mouths, over the internet and through your ears and into your brains.

That is what the rest of this season will be made up of. Me teaching my two cohosts proper production. And I say rest of the season because I can only see another 10 – 15 episodes left in Season Two. Ten to fifteen episodes or until the end of the year, after that we will all take a brief hiatus and come back with a season three with even better production aspects than both seasons put together.

That is all the news I have for you today. I’ll see you tomorrow.

And as always I’m Eldon K.R. saying that I don’t have cancer, So I’m not stopping.