Today Diane talks with Dr. Tracey Marks about signs that you’re
tipping the balance between the normal ups and downs of life and
actual depression or burnout.

Busy people overlook building enough margins into their day and
end up sacrificing sleep by working late, getting up too early,
working while in bed and generally believing that sleep isn’t or
should be a priority. It’s easy to cut things way too close and see
doing nothing as a waste of time, but if you fill every waking hour
with a brain intensive activity, like checking email or surfing the
web, then your mind doesn’t get a chance to unwind and it will
start to rebel against you – building margins in to your time that
support your healthy sleep pattern is a critical part of balanced

Dr. Tracey has a specific focus on lifestyle management; sleep
challenges and the mind/body connection. In addition to Beyond
Burnout, she has a private practice based in Atlanta. Dr. Tracey is
a regular contributor to leading publications such as The
Huffington Post and Bedtime Network, and has appeared as a
psychiatric expert on CNN and HLN.

Contact Dr. Tracey Marks


Master Your Sleep - Proven Methods Simplified -
Tracey Marks, MD

Amazon Link:

Contact Diane:

Email me at: [email protected]

Visit the website:

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