Today Diane Randall talks to Pam Bradford about healthy living eating plant-based foods. This means only consuming things that don’t have a face or a mother and grown in the ground. Pam inspired Diane to change her eating habits when Diane was feeling at her worst; this inspiration came through the documentary DVD “Eat”.

The American diet has very little fiber, so an important part of plant based nutrition is increasing the levels of nutritious micronutrients in the body. Fiber will help you feel satisfied and fuller for longer. Meat and seafood are high in fat and other unknown chemicals that are being pumped into our seas and both Pam and Diane have noticed a marked difference in their mental health, alertness, productivity and waistlines since beginning this lifestyle change.

Pam Bradford has been a close friend of Diane’s for 25 years and now lives in North Carolina after growing up in Chicago. She is a contractor in the training and development sector and although she doesn’t try to enforce her diet onto anyone, many people have been converted after seeing her so healthy.

 What you will learn:

After Diane changed her lifestyle she attended the Institute for Integrative Nutrition to learn more and spread the word. Food is addictive. This can’t be a short-term diet; it’s a lifestyle change. Plant based is more than just salads. Pam sets a new goal each year to eat more vegetables and less sweets. Keep it simple and find new ways to eat vegetables. The only way to improve your life and health is to quit meat. Pam relies on Whole foods Market for healthy snacks and raw broccoli. If you can’t find a vegetarian meal at a restaurant, order a selection of sides. Ask the chef to make you something. You need to plan ahead or carry a small bag of healthy snacks. Get used to not eating as much. Processed food is a like a drug to the brain. Many people are not willing to make the sacrifice, but see their family suffering from disease. The taste you love was probably created in a laboratory. Go for deserts with a low GI. Start small, slow changes at first. This isn’t about being skinny; it’s being healthy for your body type. Take everything in moderation. People want you to eat what they eat because it makes them feel good.


I'm constantly looking for ways to keep it interesting and find new ways to eat  Just be open to change and take small steps Its up to us to not allow people to force us to eat junk There’s a difference between holding back on something and releasing addictions Its all about you taking control


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