Today Diane brings a very special guest to Balanced Living for Busy Professionals, Rick Birdwell, Life Coach of the Mankind Project. This amazing group for men flies in the face of rigid stereotypes about the "Sensitive New Age Man" AND the "Macho Man". We ask men to go right up to the edge - and beyond - in a culture that seems to be comfortable with mediocrity and passivity from men. We ask men to stop living a vicarious adventure through their TV's and step into a real time adventure to win back their passion for life. We ask men to confront the real issues, to get 100% honest about who they are.


Knowing that wellness is a human issue, not just a woman’s issue, Diane brings fantastic resources to everyone.


Email: [email protected]


Visit the website:



The Mankind Project Website:


Rick Birdwell websites:


 Groups for women mentioned in today’s show: