Hello my beautiful badass babe! This episode is for you if you've been feeling like you don't know who you are anymore and how to come back home to yourself.

We dive into:

Why we feel like we lost touch or connection with our true selves and how to shift that today What to do when thoughts come in that want to take you back into your safety identity to protect yourself How to stop resisting who you truly are

Press play to set yourself free!

Please be sure to tag me @the_badassbabe or @badassbabeoracle on Instagram and share this episode with your spiritual-seeking sister if you LOVED it! 

I am curious to hear all about your breakthroughs and ah-ha moments!

Also, if you leave a review & 5 star rating on iTunes, you'll receive a FREE Hypnosis to Align to Your Desires. Just screenshot your review before submitting and email it to me and my team at [email protected] 


Feeling called to dive deeper into embodying your soul essence and becoming the leader your soul came here to be?

Unapologetically YOU holds the codes to be seen & heard in the entirety of your soul essence identity and live the unapologetic aligned life your soul is craving.

We begin on March 21st with lifetime access to the replay! 

Join us here!


Dive deeper into your Manifestation Magic:

F Yes Manifest FREE Masterclass | Embody the attitude/mindset to manifest your deepest desires out of nowhere!  F Yes Frequency Membership | EFT Tapping & Meditation membership to maintain an energetic state of alignment that pulls your manifestations into your reality with ease - Start your 8 day FREE trial here! The Badass Babe Community | The Ultimate Spiritual Self Development Hub to help you align with your Higher Self & Embody your Soul Purpose to manifest anything you desire. Join the waitlist here

Connect wih Kelly on Instagram: 

@the_badassbabe and @badassbabeoracle
