Hello badass babe! I have a super special guided meditation for you!

This was channeled from our most recent New Moon Ceremony inside The Badass Babe Community and it was pure potent magic that I felt called to share with you to experience the energetic shift!

This meditation will cleanse and clear your aura of any energetic frequencies (self doubt, fear, feelings of not enough) that may be placing you in resistance to your goals and desires. 

You will honor any frequencies that served you at some point in your life and release them to make space for the new. 

We will recalibrate your aura and energetic frequency to specifically attune to YOU...

your soul essence, magic, message, mission, gifts & soul purpose of who you are and who you came here to be!

Enjoy the pure potent magic!

I can't wait to hear how you feel after tuning in!


If you're feeling the call, this is your sign to join us inside The F Yes Frequency! 

My Meditation & EFT Tapping Membership for women who are seeking to maintain an energetic state of alignment that pulls your manifestations into your reality with ease!

Because when you're aligned and feel F'ing good - magic, miracles, abundance and your desires are a byproduct.

Start your 8 day free trial in the F Yes Frequency today!


Dive deeper into your Manifestation Magic:

F Yes Manifest FREE Masterclass | Embody the attitude/mindset to manifest your deepest desires out of nowhere!  Unapologetically You | How to uncover your soul essence identity and live your unapologetic aligned life..where abundance, love, miracles & magic fly into your reality on the reg. Only $44.44 The Badass Babe Community | The Ultimate Spiritual Self Development Hub to help you align with your Higher Self & Embody your Soul Purpose to manifest anything you desire. Join the waitlist here

Connect wih Kelly on Instagram: 

@the_badassbabe and @badassbabeoracle
