Few experiences in life can be more bewildering than watching your 19-year-old daughter get suddenly, seriously ill. And then stay ill, off and on, for the next eight years.

This is what happened to Debi Granger as her daughter Amera struggled with congestive heart failure, nearly dying three times. And yet. Such a time can also be when life is most inspiring, because a heart and kidney donated by a stranger ultimately saved her life.

Debi tells her story, with its surprise ending, in such grace and strength it should inspire you for a long time to come.


May you find her story useful as you find your way back to happiness, and what really matters in this life, yourself.

Sending a big hug,

Suzanne & Debi


The Self Care Group for Extremely Busy Women



Debi Granger is a true survivor. After nursed two of her children through life-or death experiences, she lost her home in Paradise, California after the worst wildfire in state history. She’s also a working single mom with a disability. Yet, she remains a happy optimist, here to spread joy. She is a retired Dental Assistant with Expanded Function, and lives in the foothills of the Sierras with her fiancé, Chuck. 

Suzanne Falter is a writer, podcaster and essayist whose work has appeared in SELF, O, More, Fitness, New Woman and The New York Times, Tiny Buddha and Elephant Journal. She is the author of multiple self-help titles including How Much Joy Can You Stand? (Ballantine) and The Extremely Busy Woman’s Guide to Self-Care (Sourcebooks). Suzanne also hosts the Self-Care for Extremely Busy Women podcast where she interviews leading self-care authorities for those who need better self-care.