Food is essential for our bodies, and sometimes people tend to overeat without being aware that it's unhealthy.

In this episode, we'll explore methods for resisting late-night cravings. We'll address common reasons for late-night eating, such as boredom and stress, as well as medications that can increase your appetite. We'll discuss six strategies. First, determine whether you are genuinely hungry or just bored or stressed. Next, avoid buying your favorite snacks. Also, opt for small, high-protein, or low-calorie snacks when necessary, and consider finding an accountability partner. Be mindful of commercials and programs that trigger cravings, as they are not healthy. Lastly, drink water before eating to assess true hunger. These techniques are particularly important during the holiday season when temptations are abundant.

Try implementing these strategies to resist late-night cravings and maintain a healthy eating routine. Just click and listen, and let's support each other in making healthier choices.


Episode Highlights:

Alicia’s personal experience of feeling hungry at night even after dinner.

Common reasons for late night eating

Assess your hunger

Avoid temptation

Choosing small, high-protein snacks 

Having an accountability partner

Beware of food-stimulating media

Drinking a glass of water before giving in to late night cravings

About Dr. Alicia Shelly

Dr. Alicia Shelly is a Board Certified Internal Medicine/Obesity medicine physician with Wellstar Medical Group in Douglasville, GA ( suburb of Atlanta, GA) . She is the host of Back on track: Achieving Healthy Weight loss Podcast and Thrive for life Youtube channel. She is a TEDX speaker and best selling co-author of MADE FOR MORE: physicians entrepreneurs who live life and practice medicine on their own terms. She has been featured on CNN, Fox 5 News, Bruce St. James Radio show, Upscale magazine, and


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