How do you make your email campaigns successful? How do you get your list to open your emails? Is there some secret strategy you need to embrace? Kelsey Johnson—the Product Marketing Manager at AWeber— helps entrepreneurs make more sales in less time through automation, effective subject lines, and email copy. In this episode of The Content Callout, Kelsey shares three things you can implement immediately to create email campaigns that perform. 

Outline of This Episode [1:00] Learn more about Kelsey Johnson [2:25] Kelsey’s rapid-fire tips for marketers [5:46] Tip #1: Simplify your language—write fewer words [12:13] Tip #2: A conversation on social proof  [16:48] Tip #3: AB test your copy [22:47] Successful email campaigns in B2B [30:05] What makes email campaigns effective? [33:30] How to properly structure a welcome email [35:05] Automated functions you should use [38:00] How to overcome writer’s block [39:25] Where to connect with Kelsey Johnson Resources & People Mentioned Subscribe to Kelsey’s email marketing newsletter Connect with Kelsey Johnson AWeber Connect on LinkedIn Follow on Twitter The AWeber Blog Connect with The Content Callout

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