Tommy Walker spent years as a freelancer before getting hired at ConversionXL as the Editor-in-Chief. He was recruited to Shopify Plus as their first marketing hire, rounding out his tenure there as Editor-in-Chief. He went on to be the Global Editor-in-Chief at QuickBooks. Now, he’s the founder of his own shop, The Content Studio. 

With that plethora of experience, Tommy is uniquely qualified to define what quality content looks like. But Tommy uses a unique approach to help him determine what quality content looks like within an individual organization. Learn more about it in this episode of the Content Callout podcast!

Outline of This Episode [0:48] The pair of pants that got Tommy fired [5:07] When companies don’t understand content marketing [8:48] Implementing automation to solve the problem [15:43] How to effectively trial a tool [19:31] Don’t be afraid to outsource [22:26] Tips + tricks for working with freelancers [28:10] How to take ego out of the equation [31:38] Has Tommy ever seen a perfect piece?  [33:48] How do you define high-quality content? [43:30] How to learn more about Tommy Walker Resources & People Mentioned The Content Marketing Institute Aaron Orendorff: Episode #8 Airtable Typeform Hana Abaza The New York Conservatory for Dramatic Arts Story by Robert McKee The Canadian Lad Connect with Tommy Walker The Content Studio Tommy’s Personal Website Connect on LinkedIn Follow on Twitter The Content Code Connect With the Content Callout Team 

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